Chile: Fresh apple exports to reach 739,000 tons in marketing year 2018/19

11 May , 2019 FreshPlaza.com
Chile’s fresh apple and table grape exports will drop on lower supply due to adverse climatic conditions during the spring and winter. Fresh apple exports will reach 739,000 tons in marketing year 2018/19, a five percent decrease over MY2017/18, and table grape exports will equal 690,000 tons, a 5.5 percent decrease over MY2017/18.
In MY2018 /19, Chile’s apple planted area totaled 34,427 hectares (ha), which represents a 4.2 percent decrease over MY2017/18. The decrease in apple planted area is as result of low profits due to increasing international competition from other southern hemisphere exporting countries and demand for new apple varieties. Additionally, Chilean apple producers continue to replace apple orchards with more profitable alternative crops such as cherries and walnuts.
Chile’s fresh apple production forecast changed slightly for marketing year MY2018/19. According to Post sources, in MY2018/19 winter chill hour accumulation was sufficient in apple production areas generating a normal bloom, but abundant rain during the fruit setting stage in the spring generated loss of the production potential. Additionally, summer temperatures were higher than usual and water supply decreased. Due to these adverse climatic conditions, Post estimates a five percent decrease in production in MY2018/19 totaling 1,250,000 tons.